You invested a significant amount of money on the carpeting in your commercial facility. You knew this was an important investment because you had to keep your clients satisfied. However, just as with carpeting that gets installed in your home, there’s always a risk of stains.
Accidents happen, people don’t take care for property when it’s not actually theirs. You have many different employees who come and go through a variety of different offices. Maybe you’re responsible for the entire facility and decided to install carpeting for a general office environment.
No matter whether you chose darker carpeting to try and hide stains or something lighter, at some point in time it may be necessary to deal with stains, especially those that were covered up. Here are three steps that can help you deal with stains on commercial carpeting.
Step #1: Blot the stain.
When you go to clean a stain up, especially right after it happens, it’s important not to scrub it. When you scrub the stain you are actually pushing it deeper into the carpet pile, making it much more challenging to get it out.
Instead, blot with paper towels or absorbent towels.
Step #2: Check any cleaning solutions in inconspicuous locations.
Even though the cleaning solutions you may have purchased for this carpeting say that they are 100% safe, don’t trust it. Make sure you test it on an area of the carpeting that is out-of-the-way and out of sight.
As long as it doesn’t cause any bleaching or other problems, then it’s safe to use on the stained area.
Step #3: Rely on a professional carpet cleaning service.
A professional carpet cleaning service that has truck mounted equipment is going to be able to remove the stain, no matter what it is and how long it has been there. This may be a great investment for your carpeting because it will last much longer when you rely on these types of services.