3 Steps to Keep People Safe after Polishing Commercial Floor Surfaces

replacing commercial floors during busy timeYou invest a great deal of money in maintenance personnel to help maintain your commercial floor surfaces. Whether you have ceramic tile, linoleum tile, polished concrete, or some other surface, there will come a time when you have to wax and polish the surfaces to keep them looking great and sparkling.

Whether you have tenants, employees, clients, or customers who come to use the facility, there are number of things you can and should do to keep them safe after you’ve had your commercial floors waxed, polished, and buffed.

Step #1: Allow enough time for the floor to dry.

If your facility shuts down overnight, that’s the time when it’s ideal to have the floor surfaces cleaned, stripped, waxed, and polished. That will allow the floor enough time to dry so that when people arrive at the facility, they will be met with slick surfaces.

Step #2: Rely on clearly placed signs.

If the floor is going to be wet when other individuals will be walking over, have plenty of signs located throughout so everyone will be able to know immediately that the floor surface could be a bit slick. Of course, there will be people in a hurry who don’t pay attention to signs, so there is still risk of somebody slipping and falling on those polished and wet surfaces.

Step #3: Work on portions of the floor.

Instead of doing the entire floor at one time, if you can’t shut down for any length of time, such as a hospital, work on one half of a hallway, corridor, or room at a time. This will provide people an opportunity to get through the building without risking their neck and slipping on the wet surface or the drying wax. It will also help avoid any damage to the floor surface and allow the rejuvenated surface the maximum life expectancy.

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