4 Reasons Mopping Isn’t Nearly Enough to Maintain Commercial Floors

janitor-stick-2Any business owner who thinks that simply mopping the commercial floors are enough, he or she does not fully understand what mopping does, nor what it doesn’t do.

There is a long list of reasons why mopping is simply inadequate in keeping a commercial floor clean. Below are four that can highlight the significant limitations, or problems, with mopping.

1. Mopping merely pushes dirt around.

Once you sweep the floor you grab the mop and bucket, add some bleach or another cleaning solution to the water, and set about to mop your store or business. You soak the mop and them slop it onto the floor and then begin pushing it around.

You’ll notice the mop will collect dirt relatively quickly. However, it’s not getting all of the dirt, no matter how thorough you are. Much of the dirt is being pushed around and the now-dirty water is left behind.

The floor might appear clean when you first mop, but that has more to do with the water shine than an actual clean shine.

2. Mopping isn’t sanitary.

If you pull out your mop to clean the floors every night, do you change the mop head each time? Most likely you don’t, mostly because the cost of a mop head is expensive.

Every time that you mop, you’re picking up fresh dirt and bacteria, but the mop still has the dirt and bacteria from the last time you mopped as well. That’s not very sanitary.

3. After the first dip into the bucket, the mop is never clean again.

Once you dip the dirty mop into the bucket of water and then ring it out, the water is dirty. Every time you drop the mop back into the water, it’s being exposed to that contaminated cleaning solution.

That’s not very sanitary and isn’t going to do anything help keep your floors clean.

4. Bacteria is allowed to fester.

If you were to look at a mop head after one use, you would see an army of bacteria crawling all over it. Even if you use bleach or another cleaning solution, bacteria will form.

It’s allowed to fester and then spread the next time you apply it to the floor.

If you want to keep your commercial floors clean, spotless, and sanitary, you should be using a commercial floor cleaning machine, not just a mop.

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