Addressing the Challenges of Wear Patterns in Commercial Floor Surfaces

too many coats of finishOver time you began to notice certain patterns developing in the commercial floors of your facility. You’ve hired experienced personnel and you’ve given them some decent equipment to take care of those floors, and you expected better than what you’re seeing now. So why are there all of these wear patterns developing throughout the floor?

People have a tendency to travel in the same line every single time they enter a building. If you’re responsible for a commercial office facility with many different offices, hundreds and maybe even thousands of employees coming and going throughout the day, you’re going to notice certain wear patterns developing.

Most of the time the wear marks develop down the center of the hallway or corridor. They will branch out from the entry doors to the elevators, stairs, or other hallways. You will rarely see the corners of your entry lobby, a couple of feet along the edges of the walls of your corridors, and other places seeing much use at all.

How do you properly address these wear patterns?

Eventually, you will need to replace the entire floor to create uniformity. However, in the meantime, your personnel can spend a bit of extra time when they strip, scrub, wax, and buff the floors to make sure there’s plenty of protection over those high traffic areas.

It may require more frequent stripping and waxing and buffing of the floors to maintain protection for the tile surfaces.

When the commercial floors are not maintained properly or are not waxed, stripped, and buffed consistently, the wax surface will get compressed, it will begin directly impacting the linoleum tile underneath, and it will begin breaking down the tile itself.

The more experience your maintenance personnel have, the easier it’s going to be for them to do what’s necessary to improve the quality of your floor surfaces.

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