When you have a commercial facility or a commercial kitchen on site, you may be the one responsible for helping to clean the floors in that kitchen. Most restaurants and other kitchen facilities are responsible for their own cleanliness. However, it all depends on the type of facility you operate and what the terms of the lease agreement happened to be.
There are numerous challenges that face the kitchen, especially a commercial kitchen, with regard to keeping it clean every single day.
1. The surface itself.
A quality kitchen floor will be some type of ceramic tile. That means it’s going to attract the grease from the fryers, the pans, and other surfaces. Grease can be stubborn. A lot of chefs and other kitchen personnel who take to cleaning the floors will simply use a mop and bucket with cleaning solution.
That doesn’t always work.
2. Time.
A kitchen might shut down at 10 o’clock in the evening, or it may be open until the wee hours of the morning. If the commercial facility is responsible for cleaning, this can pose a unique challenge.
Maintenance personnel may not be available until the early morning hours, at best. That means somebody may need to come in at 4 or 5 o’clock in the morning to get started on the commercial floor surface in the kitchen. If the kitchen opens early, there may need to be some type of compromise whereas a maintenance personnel is given access, unfettered, for at least two hours between shifts.
3. The floor surfaces under cabinets.
Under cabinets or prep islands, the floor may not get as clean as one would expect. Special tools and other equipment may be necessary to help ensure that the floor surface is cleaned thoroughly, along every square meter.
If you have a commercial kitchen facility you’re responsible for, what challenges do you face? Are there any types of equipment or ideas you would love to see developed that would make it easier to keep these floor surfaces clean?