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Clients Are the Lifeblood of Any Commercial Company, and There Are Ways to Encourage Maintenance Staff to Pay More Attention to Their Needs When Cleaning the Floors

proper schedule for winter cleaningWe don’t always have the opportunity to clean the commercial floors in a particular facility when it might be most convenient to tenants, clients, or customers. However, there are things that can be done to help the maintenance department be more acutely aware of the specific needs and preferences of the clients who utilize the facility.

Consider designated times for cleaning.

If the facility operates, generally between 9 to 5, for example, it becomes extremely easy to schedule the cleaning of the commercial floors and other areas. However, this is not always practical, especially for those commercial facilities that remain open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Throughout the facility, though, there will likely be certain times of the day or even days of the week that make it more practical to clean those areas.

Make sure signage is clear.

Whenever cleaning commercial floors, whether it’s simply mopping up a spill, stripping, buffing, polishing, or waxing, vacuuming, or anything else, make sure there are clear signs for people to see that they can use extra caution if they do need to go across the floor surface or go around it, using a different entry point.

Conduct a survey.

Send a simple survey out to tenants and others who may use the facility on a regular basis to find out what their opinions are about the cleanliness of the facility, how the maintenance department is doing with regard to respecting others wishes, and more.

The survey can be sent by regular postal service or done via email or even as a separate part of the website. Surveys can provide business owners valuable insight into what people are thinking, what they would prefer, and how they can better serve their client base.

Commercial floor maintenance is not easy in these 24/7 facilities, but by paying closer attention to what people expect, want, and may need, it will help the maintenance department be more efficient and effective with the work they do.

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