Repairing damaged commercial floor surfaces as soon as possible is not just a matter of safety, but also a matter of keeping the commercial floor in good shape for years to come. A cracked tile that isn’t loose might not seem like a major problem, but it can quickly lead to other issues.
For example, if there is a crack in the tile or even the grout around the tile, dirt can begin working its way down through the crack, deep underneath the tile itself. The more dirt that gets under there and the more foot traffic, carts, or other machines that roll across it, it will begin to loosen things up.
Eventually that tile can become loose and expose the tiles around it to becoming damaged as well.
It’s like a cancer, so you want to make sure you repair it as soon as possible. When you have a busy commercial facility, that can seem challenging, especially if the crack is at an entryway or other highly trafficked area.
Use ropes to cordon off the area being worked on.
If the broken tile is in the main lobby and in a direct path from the entry doors to the elevators, for example, you want to cordon off the area, at least during the lowest traffic times of the day or night. Use highly visible signs and clear ribbon or rope that cannot be missed.
Allow your maintenance personnel whatever time he or she needs to properly repair the tile. That should include carefully cutting around the tile that has been broken, removing it, and replacing it with a brand new tile.
Keep the area closed off to allow the mortar and grout to properly set and dry, usually at least 24 hours.
If the broken tile is right at an entryway, direct people into or out of the building through other doorways until the tile is completely repaired and set.