Here are some simple steps that might help you or your maintenance department.
Schedule a specific time for cleaning those floors.
It may be time to schedule maintenance personnel to work after hours cleaning, buffing, stripping, and waxing floors, as needed. All of those things don’t have to be done every single day and, in fact, if somebody tried, it would reduce life expectancy of those floors.
How often your commercial floors need to be stripped, wax, buffed, or polished will depend on a number of factors. First, it has to do with the floor surface itself. Second, it will have to do with how much traffic those floors see on a daily basis.
Provide your maintenance personnel with the right machines.
Having the right tools makes a world of difference for just about any task you may have to take on. If you’re expecting your maintenance department to do an exceptional job maintaining your commercial floors, but they do the work with extremely old, broken down machines, that’s not fair.
They can certainly do their best, but it might not be doing anything beneficial for your floors. It’s a good idea to make the right investment in commercial floor cleaning equipment.
Be willing to close down certain portions of your facilities.
If you operate facilities that are open 24 hours a day, this can be a challenge. Even so, there will likely be opportunities for your maintenance personnel to work on those floors without inconveniencing employees, clients, customers, and other individuals who may be coming and going at all hours of the day or night.