Torrential Summer Storms and the Mess They Leave Behind

raindropsWhile summer might be coming to an end, that doesn’t mean the rough summertime storms are over. In fact, torrential downpours and heavy rains are going to be more commonplace as we shift from summer into fall. That being said, these storms can create quite the challenge for commercial facilities to keep their floor surfaces clean.

How can they make a mess?

The heavier the rainfall, the more likely it’s going to cause flooding. It’s also more likely to drag dirt and mulch down from hilltops and decorative landscapes around parking areas. When it does, before those parking areas can be cleaned, people are most likely going to be parking, walking from their car to the building, and they may step through some of the dirt, stones, and other debris. It will get caught on the soles of their shoes, tracked in, and deposited.

If the floor maintenance department is not staying on top of cleaning the floor surfaces during these weather events, it could lead to scratches and other damage to the floor surface over time.

It’s a good idea to have at least one or two maintenance department personnel on hand whenever the weather is considered fierce. They can take some time out of their schedule to make a quick pass around each entry point in the facility. They could certainly use a simple mop and bucket, or they may be able to rely on a more effective cleaning machine that will not just wash the floor surfaces quickly, but also dry them as quickly as possible.

At times, for these personnel, it can feel like a losing battle, but in the long run it will help to keep those floor surfaces protected as much as possible from the damage that can be caused by something as innocuous as a grain of sand or small pebble.

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