What Type of Commercial Floor is Best for Your Particular Business?

What Type of Commercial Floor is Best for Your Particular Business?Trying to determine the best commercial floor for any business may be incredibly challenging. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to commercial floors, though.

Every business is different, so a polished concrete floor may be more practical for one particular business while a linoleum tile floor is better for another.

The most significant factor that goes into determining what commercial floor to choose is usually price. A polished concrete floor will be incredibly durable, look amazing for a long time, but may also be cost prohibitive for some companies. It requires a significant investment up front. However, over 10 or 20 years, that investment will actually save money for the company, in most situations.

A linoleum tile floor is usually the cheapest type of commercial floor to install, but it won’t last nearly as long as polished concrete. There are many other types of floor surfaces that any commercial industry can choose. Hardwood flooring looks amazing, but is very difficult to maintain, especially when there is a lot of foot traffic.

Carpeting may be relatively inexpensive, especially a low pile carpeting, but it will wear out with a lot of use.

Carpeting may also be beneficial for office environments as a way to keep noise levels down. Carpeting absorbs sound, so when there are a lot of employees working in a closed area, it can be incredibly beneficial to rely on carpeting. However, the carpeting will need to be replaced every few years.

Sit down and determine what is most important for your particular business at this time. If you your business sees a lot of foot traffic, a lot of carts and dollies being dragged across the floor surface, focus on looking into a more durable surface, such as polished concrete.

No matter what type of floor surface you choose, it needs to meet be maintained properly and in order to do so, it requires the right commercial floor cleaning equipment.

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