3 Signs Your Commercial Floor Cleaning Equipment is Wearing Out

3 Reasons to Keep Rubber Tires and Carts Off Commercial FloorsHere are three signs that may very well indicate that the commercial floor cleaning equipment that your maintenance personnel are using right now is beginning to wear out.

Sign #1: Lines in the floor.

Whether they are sweeping, scrubbing, buffing, waxing, or using commercial floor cleaning equipment for any other purpose, when you begin noticing streaks, lines, or even gouges in the commercial floor surface, that’s a pretty good sign that something in the equipment itself is worn out.

It could be a wheel, pad, or something else. Don’t force your maintenance personnel to continue having to use that until it is either properly repaired or replaced.

Sign #2: It’s taking twice as long for maintenance personnel to get the job done.

If you begin looking at the hours spent on commercial floor maintenance, you may notice it beginning to take longer and longer. Your instinct may be to look into whether or not they are slacking off. However, it may very well be the direct result of that equipment leading to more manual cleaning of the floor surface.

Sign #3: You’re increasing spending on repairs.

If the commercial floor cleaning equipment has to constantly go back to a repair service then, not only is it being taken out of circulation, you’re also spending for each service on it. That’s a pretty good indication it’s time to look at replacing it altogether.

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