Static Electricity after Finishing Commercial Floors: Potential Causes

dealing with staticKeeping commercial floors clean can seem like a never ending battle, especially if you have a lot of traffic moving throughout the building. For hospitals, malls, or large office complexes, the challenge can be compounded by static electricity.

Some people have complained about static electricity being more prevalent after the commercial floor has been finished. Finishing refers to applying wax coating to the floor to help protect it and keep it looking great throughout the year.

While it is impossible to determine whether any particular floor has more static electricity charge due to work that the maintenance department does to it, there are a few things that maintenance crews can do to help reduce the risk of having statically charged floors.

The type of shoes the maintenance crews wear while applying any type of finish or coating to the floor can make a difference. Rubber soled shoes may disperse electricity into the finish, making it more static electrically charged for when other people walk across it.

Have the maintenance crews where leather soled shoes instead. This will help reduce the amount of static electricity being transferred to the finish.

You can also consider raising the humidity level in the facility whenever you’re planning on having the commercial floors stripped and re-waxed. By raising the humidity level, it reduces the amount of static electricity in the air.

Finally, you may want to consider using an antistatic cleaning solution when cleaning the commercial floors on a regular basis. Even if there is static electricity trapped within the finish coats, these antistatic cleaning solutions can help to reduce that level of electrical charge moving through it.

Most of the time static electricity is more of an inconvenience for people rather than a threat. However, keeping your employees, maintenance crew, and customers or clients safe is extremely important and these tips can certainly help.

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