Tips for Proper Marble Grinding

marble textureOver time, any building owner that has marble in their building will discover that this surface is not immune to damage. Whether it’s part of the flooring or on countertops, or somewhere else in the building, there will come a time when marble needs to restored.

Grinding the marble is the best method for removing the scratches, chips, and restoring the luster that marble can and should have. Below are tips to help bring back the original look and feel of marble so that your business appears like new once again.

Clean the Surface

Make sure that the marble surface is completely clean before you begin any grinding or sanding. If there is dirt and other residue left on the marble surface, this can actually cause more damage when you begin grinding and sanding.

Don’t use a stripper because this will actually soften the marble and lead to degradation.

Remove Edges

Where the marble tiles or edges meet up with the grout, even though it may look smooth, it’s usually not. This will become exaggerated over time, so it’s important to smooth down these surfaces.

If one tile is higher than another, you’ll want to focus on bringing this ‘lippage’ down before you do the rest of the marble. This will create a smooth and safe surface.

Repair Any Cracks

Make sure that you fill in any cracks that you notice in the marble surface before you set to sanding and grinding. If you don’t repair these cracks first, you will find that they can chip when you’re grinding, actually making the surface even worse than it was before.

Diamond Polishing

Once you set to sanding and grinding, you should finish with diamond polishing. This is actually grinding with a very fine grade that will help to bring the marble to a fine polished appearance.

Do One Section First

Before you set about to tackle the entire project, do a small ‘test’ area first to make sure that you understand the process and that it will look the way that you want. Also make sure that you have the right equipment handy to do the job right. The wrong tools can have a direct impact on the end result.

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