When you focus on maintaining commercial floors, for larger facilities it is the default position to generally choose equipment that can handle these large square footage areas. However, there are also going to be plenty of smaller areas that need regular cleaning as well.
How you handle these situations can lead to an increase in maintenance costs, man-hours, and other problems, especially if your maintenance crew is attempting to clean the smaller areas with those larger machines.
For example, a mall that has its own maintenance crew on hand will generally clean floors after hours. This is usually during the overnight hours. They will also most likely use ride-on machines to help wash, wax, buff, and keep the floors looking as clean and new as possible.
There are also going to be restrooms that the maintenance crew is responsible for. As a result, many cleaning crews will rely on regular mops and other basic cleaning devices to keep these restrooms and facilities clean. Those large ride-on machines will simply not do the job in these tight quarters. Not only that, you have to contend with toilets, urinals, and other fixtures that make it virtually impossible for larger machines to get around.
Mops are not hygienically ideal for these situations. They are fine for quick cleanups, but during those more intense cleaning jobs, you deserve to have equipment that leaves a clean and sanitary facility behind.
There are numerous smaller professional floor cleaning machines that are ideal for tight quarters. Having machines for large areas is great, and if you add in machines that can handle the smaller rooms or sections, you will ensure that your facility remains in the best condition possible throughout the years.
To find out what type of commercial floor cleaning machines are ideal for smaller, tight areas, contact the Centaur Floor Machines today.