Whether you have a ceramic tile floor covering a significant portion of your commercial floor space or just a small area, you want to make sure you take care of it properly. Ceramic gets its shine during a baking process in which the glaze is properly finished.
When the glazing is completed, the ceramic tile is strong, water resistant, and nonporous. When you properly care for ceramic tile, it won’t need any type of wax or other sealant, which linoleum and other surfaces may require to have that shine that makes commercial floor surfaces look great.
Here are a number of tips that can be incredibly valuable to help keep those ceramic tile floor surfaces shining in great condition.
Tip #1: Mix a ceramic cleaning solution with water at a 1 to 10 ratio.
There are some cleaning solutions that are pre-mixed, but when you’re talking about commercial floor surfaces, the more cost-effective option is to mix it yourself.
Tip #2: Use liberal amounts of cleaning solution.
Don’t skimp when relying on cleaning solutions. Instead, apply a liberal amount to the area you’re going to scrub. It’s also best to use a machine to properly clean the surface. If you must use your hands to scrub certain areas, make sure you rely on a scrubbing pad or stiff bristled brush.
Tip #3: Toss the mop.
You can certainly use a mop to clean up afterward, but it’s best to rely on the proper commercial floor cleaning machine. This will help get all of the dirty solution up from the tiles as well as the grout between the tiles.
If you have to use a mop, make sure you replace the mop head and water whenever it starts to get dirty.
Tip #4: Dry the tile well.
This will help remove any residue and make those ceramic tiles shine as they should.